Nancy Faison
Admin Team Member
Nancy was attracted to InSpira by Leon and Kristine Smith’s commitment to
use InSpira as a vehicle to help build their students' confidence so they understand
the wonderful things they are capable of achieving, not only in dance, but in life.
Nancy is the senior member of the InSpira Administrative Team which
manages the day-to-day interactions with InSpira families, students, and instructors
as well as administrative needs and routines of the business. She has been with
InSpira since 2006.
Nancy is a member of Faith Christian Outreach Center, Plainfield, NJ. She is
the Church Administrator, Secretary of the Executive board, heads the FCOC
College Ministry, and assists in planning ministry events.
Prior to coming to InSpira, Nancy was a Staff Manager at AT&T with experience
in administrative, project management, and human resources planning. She was
also a caregiver for two years for her mother who passed in 2002.